2019 淡江大學
__ 水之博物館
2019 淡江大學建築系畢業設計指導學生:林苡忻 「被遺落的渺小-水之博物館」,獲得IEAGD建築系畢業設計國際特展大評圖與展覽、2019UIA霍普杯國際大學生建築設計競賽二等獎
Negligible Tininess __Water Museum
Lin Yihsin
The rules of conventional cities are not run here. Times and cities are layered and superimposed here. They are silent and lost in the thick jungle. This is Chongqing.
Using its absurdity to find new architectural eyes and uses architectural eyes to find a way to record the city.
Record the 0th floor of different generations and the height that disappeared due to the construction of large cities. We walked on the dividing line of the upper and lower half of the city, from +48m to -37m, from 18f to -9f, we are all on the 0th floor of the city, reading the history of changes.
In the ever-changing geology, mark the existence of cities.