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2017           淡江大學


                __ 城市網格聚落

2017 淡江大學建築系畢業設計指導學生:吳聲懋 「失竊的公共城市-城市網格與聚落」,獲得IEAGD建築系畢業設計國際特展展覽






The Theft of Public City                           __Urban Grid Village

Wu, Sheng-Mao

The theft of public city is a state of city that was mislaid temporarily or was laid temporarily at the moment of the history. Followed the development of Hsinchu city, there were many common and public space in the internal blocks. They also were scattered on the new and old context of Hsinchu city. Therefore, we can't find out the commonality about life behind the blocks directly. So, internal space as a imagination of privacy that continuously blurred the existence of commonality in city. In Hsinchu city, life didn't only exist in much the same frontage. It's a relationship of the connection of the internal commonality. Accordingly we can through into the different space about different period that was overlapped context and we can refind the temporary theft of city.


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